tips for cleaning out closet

Spring Cleaning Out the Closet

A sustainable capusle wardrobe

Tips and Rules for a Sustainable and Classic Capsule Wardrobe

Cleaning out your closet can be an intimidating task, but it's also an opportunity to create a more sustainable and classic wardrobe. In this article, we'll provide tips and rules for spring cleaning out your closet and creating a more functional and organized wardrobe that works for you. Whether you're starting from scratch or refreshing an existing wardrobe, these tips will help you achieve a more functional and organized closet. This will also help make more room for your spring clothes.

Preparing to Clean Out Your Closet

Before you start cleaning out your closet, there are a few things to consider. Preparation is key to a successful and efficient cleaning process. 

Allocate enough time for the task

Cleaning out your closet may take several hours or even a whole day depending on the size of your closet and the number of clothes you have. Be sure to allocate enough time for this task so that you can do it in one go without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

Gather supplies

Before you begin, make sure you have everything you need to get the job done. You will need:

  • trash bags
  • storage bins
  • hangers
  • a few cleaning supplies

Create a plan of action

Decide what you want to achieve with your capsule wardrobe and how you want to organize it. Do you want to minimize clutter, incorporate more sustainable pieces, or create a classic wardrobe? By having a plan in place, you'll be able to work more efficiently and make better decisions.

Sorting and Decluttering

Sorting through your clothes can be an emotional and overwhelming task. However, it's a necessary step to achieve a more functional and organized closet. Here are some tips to help you sort and declutter your closet:

A lady dressed in a maxi linen summer dress

Take out everything from your closet

This will help you see the amount of clothes you have and make it easier to sort through them. It's important to take everything out so that you can see what you have, and not miss anything.

When deciding whether to keep or get rid of an item, it's important to ask yourself specific questions to help you make a decision. Here are some questions you can ask yourself:

Have I worn this in the last six months?

If the answer is no, it may be time to let go of the item. It's unlikely that you'll suddenly start wearing it again in the near future and holding onto it will just take up valuable space in your closet.

Does this item still fit me well?

If the item no longer fits properly, it's probably not worth keeping. Clothes that are too big or too small can be unflattering, and uncomfortable, and take up space that could be used for something that fits well and is more functional.

Is this item in good condition?

If an item is stained, torn, or otherwise damaged, it may be time to let it go. These items are unlikely to be worn again, and holding onto them will just clutter your closet and make it more difficult to find what you need.

Does this item reflect my current style and lifestyle?

As we age and our lifestyles change, so does our fashion sense. If you have clothes that no longer reflect your current style or lifestyle, it's time to get rid of them. Holding onto outdated items will only take up space and make it more difficult to find the clothes that you actually wear.

Does this item have sentimental value?

If an item has sentimental value, it can be difficult to let it go. However, it's important, to be honest with yourself about whether or not you'll actually wear the item again. If it's not being worn and is just taking up space, it may be time to say goodbye and make room for something that is more functional in your wardrobe.

If you answer "no" to either of these questions, it may be time to let go of the item.

Keep, donate/sell or throw away

When going through your clothes, make three piles: keep, donate/sell,  or throw away. This will help you make clear decisions about what to do with each item. Be honest with yourself about what you truly need and wear, and let go of items that no longer serve a purpose in your wardrobe.

Separate your clothes into categories

Categorize your clothes by type, color, and material. This will make it easier to find what you need and put together outfits. Separating clothes into categories can help you to recognize patterns in what you wear and what you don’t.

Separate for seasons

When separating your clothes into categories, make sure to also organize them according to the seasons. Take aside your winter coats and stow them away. This will help you easily find what you need for the current season and make space for clothes you will need in the upcoming seasons. 

Linen Clothes and Wool Clothes

When sorting through your clothes, it's important to consider the materials you own and what works best for you in terms of style and sustainability. Linen clothes and wool clothes are two examples of classic style and sustainable materials that are worth keeping in your closet.

Linen clothes and are linen dresses lightweight and breathable, making them perfect for warm weather. They're also durable and can last for years if cared for properly. Linen clothes come in many styles, from dresses and skirts to blouses and pants. They're versatile and can be dressed up or down, making them a great addition to any wardrobe.

A lady wearing a summer linen maxi dress and white t-shirt

Wool clothes and wool dresses are another classic material that is worth keeping in your closet. Wool is a natural fiber that is warm, durable, and versatile. It's a great material for sweaters, jackets, and coats, and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Wool clothes are also a sustainable choice, as they're biodegradable and can last for years if cared for properly.

Reorganizing Your Closet

Once you've sorted through your clothes, it's time to reorganize your closet. Here are some tips for creating a more functional and organized space:

Assess your closet space and come up with a new layout

Consider utilizing storage solutions, such as shelving,hanging organizers, and drawers. Think about how you can maximize the space you have, and make sure that everything has a designated place.

Organize for seasons

When reorganizing your closet, consider organizing your clothes by season. This can help you easily find what you need for the current season and make space for clothes you will need in the upcoming seasons. It also allows you to see what you have for each season, so you don't end up buying duplicates.

Categorize your clothes by type and color

This will make it easier to find what you need and put together outfits. Separating your clothes into categories will also make it easier to keep your closet organized and tidy.

Make use of hangers

Hangers are a great way to keep your clothes organized and wrinkle-free. Consider investing in quality hangers that will last for years and prevent damage to your clothes.

Short sleeve T-shirts hanging on hangers

Fold and stack clothes

For items that don't need to be hung, like t-shirts and sweaters, consider folding them and stacking them neatly on shelves or in drawers. This will save space and make it easier to find what you need.

Maintaining Your Closet

Once you've cleaned and organized your wardrobe, it's important to maintain it so that it remains functional and clutter-free. Here are some tips for keeping your closet organized:

Regularly purge your clothes

To prevent clutter from building up again, make an effort to regularly purge your clothes. Set aside time every few months to go through your closet and get rid of items that you no longer need or want.

Make an effort to keep your closet clean and tidy

Once you've cleaned out your closet and created a capsule wardrobe, make an effort to keep it clean and tidy. This will make it easier to find what you need and put together outfits, and will also help you to avoid the feeling of overwhelm that can come with a cluttered space.

Remember the classic styles and sustainable pieces you've chosen for your wardrobe

When shopping for new clothes, remember the classic styles and sustainable pieces you've chosen for your wardrobe. Make these your style, and avoid impulse purchases that don't fit with your vision for your wardrobe. 

If you want to learn more about how to discover your personal style, look great, and boost your self-confidence without spending a lot of money, read our article Find Your Personal Style: A Guide for Women

Bringing it All Together: Final Thoughts on Spring Cleaning Out the Closet: Tips and Rules for a Sustainable and Classic Capsule Wardrobe

By following the tips and rules outlined in this article, spring cleaning out your closet can transform from a daunting task into an opportunity to create a more sustainable and classic wardrobe that works for you. Take the time to prepare yourself and your space, sort through your clothes, and reorganize your closet in a way that brings you joy and organization. Remember to regularly purge your clothes and keep your closet clean and tidy to maintain your capsule wardrobe that makes you feel confident and organized.

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